Stem Cell

A stem cell is a cell with extraordinary ability to develop into specialised cell types in the body. In recent years, stem cells have been widely researched by scientists due to its potential to help and support certain illnesses and health conditions.

How close are we, really, to curing diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases?

Today, pharmaceutical drugs and medication can only do so much. Treatments merely help delay conditions from worsening but often lack of recovering or cure.


Stem cell therapy involves using the body’s natural healing and regenerative processes for a specific function.

Stem cell therapies use stem cells that do not yet have a particularly assigned function (called “undifferentiated cells”) to repair problems in the body.

Stem cells renew themselves by cell division and once they reproduce, the new cells can either stay a stem cell, or they can be mesenchymal stem cells; cells that can be made to be what the body needs; a red blood cell, a brain cell, etc. This can be particularly useful when the body has worn out or damaged tissues.

There are different sources of stem cells, and some are more effective than others.

It’s coming to light that researches have shown that the answer lies with Stem Cell and is poised to become the next medical revolution and produce potentially lifesaving results.

Stem cell is essentially the building block of the human body.

Purtier Stem Cell Introduction

Stem cells are capable of dividing for a long period of time, are unspecialized, but can develop into specialized cells.

The earliest stem cells in the human body are those found in the human embryo. The stem cells inside an embryo will eventually give rise to every cell, tissue and organ in the fetus’s body.

Unlike a regular cell, which can only replicate to create more of its own kind of cell, a stem cell is pluripotent. When it divides, it can make any one of the over 220 different cells in the human body. Ideally, these stem cells will then use their healing potential to repair and regenerate failing or damaged cells.

Stem cells also have the capability to self-renew — they can reproduce themselves many times over.

The recent discovery of Stem Cells not only represents a major breakthrough in medical technology, it also changes the way we view modern medicine.

New and current regenerative medicine can use stem cells to create living and functional tissues to regenerate and repair tissue and organs in the body that are damaged due to age, disease and congenital defects. Stem cells have the power to go to these damaged areas and regenerate new cells and tissues by performing a repair and a renewal process, restoring functionality. Regenerative medicine has the potential to provide a cure to failing or impaired tissues.

Purtier Researcher Singapore

Cell Therapy is the only process in the world that has been proven safe and effective in slowing down the aging process and helping you to dramatically regain your health, vitality, and physical power.

Therefore it is not surprising that there have been an increasing number of consumers of placenta live cell therapy. It has been well known as a miracle substance to help people regain youth and become popular among the rich since its discovery.

The basic theory behind cell therapy was stated best by Paracelsus, a 16th-century physician who wrote:

“Heart heals the heart, Lung heals lung, Spleen heals spleen; Like cures like.”

Paracelsus and many other early physicians believed that the best way to treat illness was to use living tissue to rebuild and revitalize ailing or aging tissue.

Doctors who practice cell therapy believe that cell therapy acts like an organ transplant and actually makes the old cells to “act younger”. This biological “lesson” is not quickly forgotten by the cells.

Read more: Stem Cell Therapy

Why is Cell Therapy different from others?


Cell therapy is the only treatment to stimulate the body’s rejuvenation system – cell renewal.

Renewal is a set of built-in mechanisms that our bodies have to keep our body tissues and organs functioning optimally. It repairs damaged cells and replaces them with new ones to maintain a body’s youth and vitality.

God made men simple! Laying the foundations for youth is simpler than you think! The best thing is to go back to basics and look at how our body functions and maintains itself.

Once we understand this, we can then better utilize our body’s own mechanism to rejuvenate itself. Unfortunately, today, healthcare companies complicate things depending on the product lines they are promoting and representing.

In simplicity, to preserve out youthfulness, our body’s anti-aging system needs to function optimally at three interdependent levels- Protection, Repair, Renewal/Regeneration.


Level 1: Protection

  • The body’s ability to protect its “healthy cells” from destruction by harmful free-radicals.
  • The better the ability to protect our healthy cells, the longer and healthier our lives will be.

Level 2: Repair/Healing

  • The body’s ability to repair the cells that have been damaged by free-radicals and others environmental hazards.
  • The higher the capacity of repairing the worn out cells, the lesser appearance of the signs of aging, especially the tell-tales signs of premature aging, such as chronic fatigue, wrinkles, pigmentation, dry, and rough skin etc.

Level 3: Renewal/Regeneration

  • The body’s ability to replace the “irreparable or dead cells” with fresh new young cells.
  • The more efficient the body is in replacing these dead cells, the lesser chances of the body developing chronic degenerative diseases such as arthritis, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, etc.
  • It also means that our appearance will look so much “younger” due to lesser build up of waste materials and the body’s ability to rejuvenate it self.

How does Cell therapy works?

Purtier Live Cell Therapy

Cell therapy can be defined as therapy in which cellular material is injected into a patient.

Let’s be aware that cell therapy is practiced every day such as Blood transfusion and Transplanting an entire Organs. Basically, cell therapy is transplanting an organ; but instead of actually transplanting an organ, you are transplanting the cells of an organ. The transplanted cells then somehow bring about the revitalization of their corresponding organs.

The implantation by injection or oral live cells has the following advantages over conventional procedure of surgical transplant:

  • Implantation of cells by injection brings about a rapid dispersion of the cell material all over the body.
  • The cells are not injured due to lack of blood supplies during the dispersion, which is very commonly the reason for the death of cells sfter the organ transplant.
  • Since the cells are injected in the form of suspension, a rapid incorporation into the metabolic processes of the body occurs.
  • Organs that are impossible to transplant (such as the brain or some of the endocrine glands) or very difficult to transplant (such as kidneys, heart, or liver) can be implanted in the form of cells very easily.
  • Fetal tissues, with their higher biological potency, are implanted in the recipient and used at various sites in the body. The recipient organism it self controls and carries out a selective incorporation of the various fetal cells.

The fact is that the body usually accepts the individual cells injected during cell therapy. This is so because cell therapy uses embryonic cells, whose immunological makeup is still incomplete. The cells then get by the body’s immune system.

But that’s not all. Not only do they get into the body. they also go straight to their corresponding organs. Liver cells go to the liver, spleen cells go to the spleen, sex gland cells go to the sex glands, and so on.

Scientific studies, in which these glandular substances were tagged with radioisotopes before injection, have proved that the injected (and ingested) cells do find their way to the specific corresponding organ.

Once the cells have found their way to the target organs or glands, they have the power to rebuild entire organ or gland because Independent studies by cellular biologists have discover that a single cell from a specific organ contains the information needed to rebuild entire organ or gland.

Two major theories explain how cells bring about revitalization of ailing or aging organ.

One theory says that the genetic information contained in the RNA and DNA of the “old” cells is defective, because of either age or disease. perhaps the old cells genetic codes have developed gaps or incorrect bits of information. This cellular genetic misinformation causes the cells to reproduce inefficiently. The new cells do not look or function as well as they should.

Along comes the fresh, young cells, with their fresh genetic information contained in their DNA and RNA. This theory says taht the new cells carry the correct genetic message to the old cells. The new cells replace the misinformation with the proper, original genetic codes. The mistakes are corrected and the gaps filled. Once the correct information is in place, the organ or gland begins to function correctly – as if it, too, were as “young” as donor cells.


The second theory is simpler. It explains the aging of the cells in much the same way: As we age, our cells gradually lose their ability to function precisely as they were intended. This theory, however, doesn’t bother with genetic codes. It says that the mere presence of the fresh cells stimulates secretions that activate the aging or diseased cells to get back on the track and function properly.

The implantation provides the recipient organisms with a great number of biochemical substrates and enzymes that are found in very high concentrations and unique composition in the fetal and juvenile cells and tissues.

Purtier Placenta Lab Experiment

Modern day cell therapy

Modern day live cell therapy was propagated by Dr. Paul Niehans who discovered the benefits of live cell therapy by accident.

In 1931, Niehans was consulted by a medical colleague who had accidentally removed a patient’s parathyroid glands during the course of thyroid surgery. As parathyroid glands are vital to life, without it, a person will die. The only option is to have a successful transplant, so Niehans who had a reputation for organ transplant was called in.

On his way to the hospital, Niehans stopped off at the abattoir, where animals he used in his experiments was slaughtered. He obtained fresh parathyroid glands from a steer and proceeded to the hospital, with the intention of transplanting a steer’s parathyroid into the human.

Upon arrival at the hospital, the patient was suffering violent involuntary contraction of the muscles. Realizing the woman would not survive long enough to perform the surgery, But Niehans had an idea, he sliced up the steer’s parathyroid gland and suspended it in saline solution and injected it into the fatally ill woman. Immediately, the convulsion ceased. Her condition improved and recovered to live another 30 years, well into her 90′s.

Many years later, Niehans wrote. “I thought the effect would be short-lived, just like the effect of an hormone injection, and that I should have to repeat the injection. But to my great surprise, the injection of fresh cells not only failed to provoke an immune rejection, but has a lasting effect, longer than any synthetic hormone or surgical graft.”


Cell therapy was born

Thus cell therapy was born and thousands have received live cell injections at his Clinique La Prairie in Montreaux, Switzerland. Today, the world’s rich and famous, including well-known personalities and VIPs, are known to go for placental injections in Switzerland to maintain their youthful bloom. Celebrities from the world over use them to preserve their youthful bloom. Celebrities from the world over use them to preserve their youthful appearances. Politicians use them to maintain vitality and endurance.

Cell Therapy Benefits

Purtier Placenta potential uses of stem cells

Cell-based therapy has the potential to treat disease and is also known as regenerative medicine.

Given their unique regenerative abilities, stem cells offer new potentials for treating diseases and symptoms such as hair loss, baldness, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and many others.

Cell therapy can increase the strength and pliability of this important structural element of the body. The youthful appearance of your skin is determined in large part by the health of your connective tissue. How youthful your joints, muscle, and blood vessels function also depends on the condition of your connective tissue.

In other words benefits of Live Cell Therapy is:

  • Finer skin texture and even toned complexion
  • Smoother, softer and velvety skin
  • Lighten the appearance of freckles, pigmentation
  • Hydrating skin, erasing lines and wrinkles
  • Enhance skin renewal process and reduce the appearance of scars
  • Regulate the natural sebum production and reduce open pores
  • Firming up of sagging bust in women
  • Regenerated cells, tissues and organs
  • Boost in immunity
  • Vast improvement in alertness and mental functions